... because human energy-use is 75% (rest)metabolism, 10% physical activity & 15% diet
We all know that a healthy diet and sufficient physical activity is essential to keep your body fit and healthy. Most of us eat every day, even several times every date. What we eat affects how we feel and how we perform. For athletes, nutrition has even far more subtle effects on wellbeing and performance. We are convinced that a good and correct diet contributes to better athletic performances. Daisy, our dietician specialised in sportsnutrition can help you to optimize your diet and support you in reaching your health and athletic goals.
Daisy can help you if you would like to:
loose weight
gain weight
improve you body composition (muscle mass vs fat mass)
get nutrition advice related to sportactivities
improve your sports activities
Individual advice
First consult (1h30): 65 €
First consult couple (1h45): 85 €
Second consult (45 min): 45 €
Second consult couple (1h00): 55 €
Follow up consult (30 min): 30 €
Follow up consult couple (45min): 35 €
Consultation at home: price of the consult + transportation cost
Send an e-mail to book your appointment.
400 - 1000€
Send us an e-mail for a detailed quotation.
Reimbursment by your health insurance
Most health insurances reimburse dietary consult